
نظر شما چيست؟

از همهي دوستان گرانقدري كه دورههاي (STS) كلاس و كارگاه آموزش ترجمه و مقاله نويسيرا گذرانده اند تقاضا مي شود نظر ارزشمند خودرا در بارهي اين دورهها، در كامنت بنويسند . آگر مايليد اسم شريفتانرا هم در كامنتتان درج نماييد. متشكّريم.

لطفاً نتيجهرا در بخش نظرات ملاحظه فرماييد.


سلام خدمت استاد ارجمندم جناب آقای سرودلیر و افراد علاقه مند به شرکت در کلاس های واقعا ابتکاری و نو ایشان
من دانشجوی دکتری هستم که در مای مشغول به تحصیل می باشم و اکنون در این فرصت کوتاهی که به ایران آمده ام در کلاس های فن ترجمه استاد عزیزم شرکت می نمایم. واقعا واقعا واقعا کلاس ایشان صرف تبلیغ نیست. روشهای خلاقانه ای که ایشان در فنون ترجمه بکار برده اند بی نطیر است و بعد از یادگیری فنون, خیلی عالی به معنی اصلی جمله خواهید رسید و دیگر گیج و سردر گم انتخاب بین معانی و برداشت های متفاوت از یک جمله نخواهید شد. برای من که اصلا رشته تحصیلی ام ارتباطی به زبان نداشت و هیچ فنی از ترجمه نمی دانستم واقعا عالی بود و الان با یادگیری فنون جدید, به راحتی و روان قادر به ترجمه هستم و این را مدیون معلم گرانقدر و سرمایه کشورم جناب استاد عزیزم, آقای سرودلیر هستم. با سپاس فراوان

ساعت11:41---26 شهريور 1391
[وب سایت]

این کلاسها فقط آموزش زبان انگلیسی نیست بلکه به نوعی آشنایی با ادبیات انگلیسی است. نه به معنای شعر و نمایشنامه خوانی، نه1بلکه آشنایی با ریزه کاریهای زبان و چگونگی تبدیل انها به زبان فارسی است. طبیعی است که این کلاسها به هر مترجمی می اموزد که تسلط به زبان مقصد(فارسی) چقدر دارای اهمیت است چون تا ظرافت زبان خودمان را ندانیم درکی از ظرافتهای زبان بیگانه نخواهیم داشت. این کلاس های ترجمه به هر کارآموزی می آموزد که ترجمه برگرداندن نعل به نعل لغات با کمک دستور و گرامر انگیسی نیست، ترجمه به معنای درک زبان است، چه زبان مبدأ و چه زبان مقصد. این البته تنها یکی از کارکردهای این کلاس است و گرنه تسلط به رشتۀ تخصصی در ترجمه، یافتن علاقه مندی هایمان در ترجمه و. خیلی چیزهای دیگر که در یک کامنت نمی گنجد. و این همان چیزی است که مرا یک عمر سپاسگذار شما خواهد کرد، بخاطر این درس بزرگی که به من دادید.


علامت گذاري در نگارش انگليسي

در مكالمه انگليسي براي بيان دقيق منظورمان يا احساسات و هيجانات خود از تغيير لحن صدا و يا حالت هاي بدنمان استفداه مي كينم. در نگارش تمام اين مسئوليت ها به عهده ي علامت گذاري است.

Full Stop (نقطه)

نقطه را در پايان جملات خبري و اختصارات استفاده مي كنيم.

Example1:Yesterday there was a meeting in our university. A

Example 2: e.g.(for example) A

Comma (كاما)

كاما چهار كاربرد اصلي دارد  شامل:

ادامه دارد



Comma (كاما)

كاما چهار كاربرد اصلي دارد  شامل:


1- Listing Comma

هنگامي كه سه بايد سه مورد يا بيش تر، از يك سطح گرامري مانند كلمه، عبارت يا جمله را پشت سر هم بياوريم، به جاي كلمه and و or از كاما استفاده مي كنيم.

Example1:The three passengers were a merchant, a carpenter and a shoemaker. A

Example 2: You can fly Bombay via Moscow, Athen or Cairo. A

2- Joining Comma

 هنگامي كه بخواهيم دو جمله را با هم تركيب نموده و يك جمله ي مركب بسازيم از اين نوع كاما استفاده مي كنيم.

Example1:Norway has applied to join the EC, and Sweden is expected to do the same.A

 كلماتي كه بعد از اين نوع كاما براي ربط مي آيند عبارتند از: and, or, but, nor, so, yet, for. A

3- Gapping Comma

اين نوع كامارا هنگامي استفاده مي كنند كه يك يا چند كلمه به منظور پرهيز از تكرار حذف شده باشند.

Example1:Som Iranians wanted to base their national language on the speech of the capital city; others , on the speech of the other cities.A

4- Braketting Comma

اين نوع كامارا هنگامي استفاده مي كه بخواهيم مكث كوتاهي را نشان بدهيم.

Example1:My first book, published in 1991, was on philosophy.A

Question Mark(علامت سؤال)

علامت سؤال دو كاربرد اصلي دارد  شامل:

1- در انتهاي جمله هاي پرسشي

Example1: What is the capital of Iran. A

2- در داخل پرانتز براي بيان اين كه  ابهام وجود دارد


Example1: The famous allegorical poem Piers Plowman is attributed to William Langlan (? 1332 ?1400). A.

اين علامات سؤال نشان مي دهند كه تاريخ ولادت و وفات قطعي نيستند.


Exclamation Mark(علامت تعجّب)

1-علامت تعجّب در پايان جملات و يا عباراتي استفاده مي شود كه احساسات بسيار قوي را بيان كند.

Example1: What qualified people they are! A

Example2: Help! Good heavens! Wow! Don't touch that! A

2- علامت تعجّب را براي جلب توجّه به مكثي در جمله استفاده مي كنند.

Example1: On the (rare!) occasion when you use aatin abbreviation, bu sure to punctuate it properly. A.

3- علامت تعجّب را در پايان جملات خبري نيز براي نشان دادن تعجّب آميز بودن خبر مي آورند.

Example1: Aftermonths of careful work, the scientist finally opened the tomb. It was empty! A

ياد آوري: نبايد بيش از يك علامت تعجّب در كنار هم گذاشت.


Quotation Mark "." A

علامت نقل قول دو نوع هستند، ''   و  "." كه در موارد زير استفاده مي شوند:

1- نقل گفتار كسي عيناً


 My only Friend", Nadia says, "is my classmate." A "

يادآوري: وجود علامت نقل قول مانع از گذاشتن علايم مورد نياز ديگر نمي شود.

Example: He had one golden rule for handling men: "Tell the handsome ones they'r smart, and tell the smart ones they'r hand." A

يادآوري: اگر مطالب داخل نقل قول جمله كامل باشد با حرف بزرگ آغاز مي گردد ولي اگر جمله نباشد با حرف كوچك.

اگر در داخل نقل قول نقل قول ديگري باشد از دو نوع علامت نقل قول استفاده مي شود.

Example: The president declared "Describing the unemployment figresas 'disappointing' is an insultto the state." A

ياد آوري: اگر نقل قول طولاني باشد به جاي گذاشتن در داخل نقل قول، در وسط صفحه مي نويسيم. البتّه اگر در داخل علامت نقل قول هم بگذاريم اشكالي ندارد.


2- اگر در باره ي كلمه اي در جمله صحبت شود، آن كلمه درداخل علامت نقل قول '.' قرار مي دهند.

Example: 'Women' is an irregular plural. A

3- عناوين مقالات نشريات را درداخل علامت نقل قول '.' قرار مي دهند.

4- در ترجمه ي كلمات لاتين به زبان انگليسي، خود كلمه ي لاتين به صورت آيتاليك نوشته مي شود ولي ترجمه انگليسي آن در داخل علامت نقل قول قرار مي گيرد.

Example:The English word 'thermometer' is derived from the Greek words thermos 'heat' and metron 'measure'. A

پرسش: ايا علايمي كه جزو نقل قول نيستند بايد در داخل علامت نقل قول باشد يا خارج از آن؟


رويكرد منطقي: فقط علامي بايد در داخل علامت نقل قرار بگيرند كه جزء نقل قول مي باشند و بقيّه بايد خارج از علامت نقل قول باشند.

Example: "The only thing they have to believe", said Mr. Bahrami, "is courage itself." A

رويكرد سنّتي: علايم در داخل علامت نقل قول قرار بگيرند.

Example: "The only thing they have to believe," said Mr. Bahrami, " is courage itself." A

 [.]Square quots

از اين علامت در موارد زير استفاده مي كنيم:

1- در موارديكه نويسنده مي خواهد خودش را به دليل مبهم بودن، اشتباه بودن، ناآشنا بود ار آن مبرّا بداند

Example1: The enemy was approaching [safe heaven] the religious city.A


2- براي توضيح در وسط جمله اي كه نقل مي شود.

Example2: These two nations [Iran and Iraq] need to live in peace.A

3- اگر در وسط نقل قول، نويسنده به اشكالي برخورد كند ازاين علامت استفاده مي كنند. بين دو علامت كلمه ي sic را قرار مي دهند.

Example3: We hwve not received [sic] your letter.A

Example4: The number of students are [sic] larger than usual.A


4- براي قرار دادن شماره ارجاع پانويس (در يكي از روش ها)

Example5: A detailed study [17] has uncovered further evidense for this analysis.A

 (-)Hyphenخط تيره ي كوتاه


از خط تيره ي كوتاه در موارد زير استفاده مي شود:

1- براي مشخص كردن اين كه يك كلمه ي طولاني در پايان سطر ناقص مانده و ادامه  ي آن در سطر بعدي است.

Example: They were highly angry at havimg to listen to those  inconse-quential remarks.A

يادآوري: حتّي الامكان از استفاده از اين روش بايد خودداري شود و در صورت ضرورت بايد كلمه را از انتهاي بخش بشكنيم نه وسط بخش. فرهنگ هاي لغت، مرز بخش هاي كلمات را مشخص كرده اند.

2- براي ساختن كلمات مركّب (درمواردي كه دو يا چند كلمه با همديگر يك نقش گرامي ايفا مي كنند) از خط تيره ي كوتاه استفاده مي شود.

Example: She always attends the end-of-term parties.A

3- در افزودن بعضي از پيشوند ها، براي جلوگيري از ايجاد ابهام،  افزودن خط تيره ي كوتاه لازم است.

Example: After recovering (getting back) the sofa, she re-covered (put a new cover on it) it.A

يادآوري: در موارد زير افزودن خط تيره ي كوتاه بعد از پيشوند،  لازم است:

الف- پس از پيشوند حرف بزرگ يا عدد قرار بگيرد

Example: anti-French feelingA

Example: pre-1500 English literatureA

ب- پيشوند به كلمه اي اضافه شود كه از پيش خط تيره ي كوتاه داشته است.

Example: non-bribe-taking polititions (bribe-taking polititions)A

ج- پيشوند به كلمه ي مركّبي اضافه شود كه تركيبشان با خط فاصله بوده است. با افزوده شدن پيشوند به چنين گلماتي هم بعد از پيشوند خط تيره ي كوتاه قرار مي گيرد و هم بين آن دو كلمه.

Example: pre-twentieth-century (Twentieth century)A

د- خط تيره ي كوتاه در پيش يا پس از بخشي از يك كلمه اي مي آيد كه بر حسب ضرورت در متن نوشته مي شود.

Example: The prefix re- sometimes requires hyphenA

Example: The suffix -wise , as in 'money-wise' and 'health-wise', has become popular in recent years .A


(لطفاً ادامه ي مطالب را در پيوند هاي روزانه مطالعه فرماييد.)

قابل توجه اساتيد محترم دانشگاههاي کشور

اگر در استفاده از منابع انگليسي در رشتهي خود مشكلي داريد و يا علاقمند نوشتن مقاله به زبان انگليسي هستيد و يا مي خواهيد مقالههايتان را به زبان انگليسي نوشته و به ISI ارسال نماييد با ما تماس بگيريد.

دوره ی مجازی آموزش ترجمه انگلیسی و مقاله نویسی به زبان انگلیسی بهترين، جامعترين و كاربرديترين دورهي آموزش زبان انگليسي براي اساتيد محترم دانشگاه مي باشد كه نيازمند استفاده از منابع علمي انگليسي هستند و يا قصد نگارش مقاله به زبان انگليسي دارند

تلفن همراه:09153025668

The Critical Terms for Writing an Article

Term meaning in Farsi

averaging با ميانگين سنّي

This study included 197 patients, averaging 35 years old

documentبا سند ثابت كردن

A number of studies have documented the existence of .

examine بررسي كردن

This study examined the impact of .on.

impact تأثير

This study examined the impact of .on.

is documented با سند ثابت شده

Now that the stigma is documented as a phenomena .

participants شركت كنندگان در تحقيق

Partticipants reported a greater frequencey.

present study مطالعه ي حاضر

The present study is an initial attempt to examine.

repot اظهار كردن

Participnts reported: 41% never married, % married,

samples نمونه ها

Samples of drug abusing individuals fear of stigma.

support the idea تأييد نظر

The findings supported the idea that perceived stigma are.

variables متغيّر ها

They controled for current functioniong and demographic variables.

quantify تعيين مقدار

Objective: To quantify the relative risk reductions achieved with different regimens to blood pressure in younger and older adults.

mean متوسّط

The mean age in two groups was 57 and 72.

proportion نسبت

The proportion of men was 58% and 51% respectively.

baseline پايه

The baseline blood pressure was higher in the older age groups.

قابل توجه دانشجويان كلاس مقاله نويسي:

لطفا شما هم واژههاي كليدي مقاله نويسي در رشتهي خودرا ارسال نماييد تا در اين ستون قرار دهيم.


The introduction is the first sentence of your essay and it plays the dual role of setting the theme of your essay and engaging the reader. The introduction should not be overly formal. You do not want an admissions officer to start reading your essay and think, "here we go again." Although admissions officers will try to give the entire essay a fair reading, they are only human -- if you lose them after the first sentence, the rest of your essay will not get the attention it deserves.

General Tips


The introduction is the first sentence of your essay and it plays the dual role of setting the theme of your essay and engaging the reader. The introduction should not be overly formal. You do not want an admissions officer to start reading your essay and think, "here we go again." Although admissions officers will try to give the entire essay a fair reading, they are only human -- if you lose them after the first sentence, the rest of your essay will not get the attention it deserves.

General Tips

Don't Say Too Much. Just tell the story! Your introduction should not be so complex and so lengthy that it loses the reader before they even start. You have the rest of the essay to say what you want. There's no need to pack it all into the first sentence. This leads to the next tip:

Don't Start Your Essay with a Summary. If you summarize, the admissions officer does not need to read the rest of your essay. You want to start your essay with something that makes the reader want to read until the very end. Once you have drawn the reader in through the first one to three sentences, the last sentence in your introductory paragraph should explain clearly and briefly what the point of the whole essay is. That is, why you are using this person, place, or thing. What does it say about you?

Create Mystery or Intrigue in your Introduction. It is not necessary or recommended that your first sentence give away the subject matter. Raise questions in the minds of the admissions officers to force them to read on. Appeal to their senses and emotions to make them relate to your subject matter.

Types of Introductions

Academic Introduction: This is the type of introduction you would use for a standardized test or a history paper. A typical standard introduction answers one or more of the six basic questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. It gives the reader an idea of what to expect. You should try to stay away from simply restating the question unless you are limited by a word count and need to get to the point quickly. Your basic academic introduction or thesis statement is best used as the follow-up sentence to one of the more creative introductions described below.


One of the greatest challenges I've had to overcome was moving from Iran to the United States. Iran was in deep political turmoil when I left, as it is today.

EssayEdge Says: This introduction is clear and to the point, and will prepare your reader for the ideas you want to discuss. However, it is rather unexciting and will not immediately engage your reader. As mentioned, you should try to preface it with a more creative statement. In addition, it makes one typical error. One should usually avoid using contractions in a formal essay, for example, "I've."

Through all of my accomplishments and disappointments, I have always been especially proud of the dedication and fervor I possess for my personal beliefs and values.

EssayEdge Says: This is a very effective introduction to an essay about your personality. Mentioning pride is a good way to indicate how important your beliefs and values are to you. In a sentence like this, however, it would be better to use "Throughout" rather than "Through." "Throughout" better expresses the widespread, expansive tone you want to give this sentence.

Creative Introduction: A creative introduction catches the reader off-guard with an opening statement that leaves the reader smiling or wondering what the rest of the essay contains.


Imagine yourself a freshman in high school, beginning your independence. As the oldest child, I was the first to begin exploring the worlds of dating, extra-curricular clubs and upperclassmen. However, one afternoon my parents sat my two sisters and me down. They said:

EssayEdge Says: The power of this introduction is that it places the reader in your shoes, making him or her more interested in what takes place in the rest of the essay. Its main mistake is that its informality gives the essay a slightly hokey or corny tone. Although a greater degree of informality is allowed in a creative essay, you must be careful not to take it too far.

I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.

EssayEdge Says: This introduction is both creative and effective. It amuses the reader by listing a bizarre and probably fictitious set of achievements, thus demonstrating the writer's imagination (and poking fun at the admissions process). At the same time, its light tone avoids sounding too obnoxious. As a note, you should remember that good use of semicolons will impress your reader: "I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees; I write award-winning operas; I manage time efficiently."

Action Introduction: An Action Introduction takes the reader into the middle of an action sequence. By not building up to the story, it forces the reader to read on to find out not only the significance of this moment in time, but what led up to and followed it. It is perfect for short essays where space must be conserved or for narrative essays that begin with a story.


I promised God I would eat all my peas, but He didn't care. A confused eleven-year-old girl, I sat and listened to my father pace. With each heavy step echoing loudly throughout the silent house, my family's anxiety and anticipation mounted while awaiting news of my grandfather's health. My heart racing, I watched the clock, amazed that time could crawl so slowly. Finally, the telephone interrupted the house's solemn silence. I heard my father repeating the words "yes, yes, of course." He then hung up the receiver and announced my grandfather's death and cancer's victory.

EssayEdge Says: This is the kind of introduction that will immediately intrigue your reader because it begins with a very unusual declaration. The image of a little girl eating peas and hoping to acquire God's help is charming while hinting at the solemnity of the situation described.

Surrounded by thousands of stars, complete silence, and spectacular mountains, I stood atop New Hampshire's Presidential Range, awestruck by nature's beauty. Immediately, I realized that I must dedicate my life to understanding the causes of the universe's beauty.

EssayEdge Says: The first ten words of this essay will catch your reader's attention, mainly because they create a mental image of perfect natural beauty. Note that you should try to avoid repeating key words. In this instance, it would be easy to avoid repeating the word "beauty." You could simply use "magnificence" or "loveliness" instead.

Dialogue Introduction: Like the action introduction, the dialogue introduction brings the reader directly into the action, only this time in the form of dialogue. If you are writing about an influential figure in your life, you can mention a quote from this person that exemplifies the importance that he or she had on your life.


"You must stop seeing that Russian girl, " I ordered my brother when he returned home last summer from the University of Indianapolis. Echoing the prejudiced, ignorant sentiment that I had grown up with, I believed it was wrong to become seriously involved with a person who does not follow the Hindu religion and is not a member of the Indian race.

EssayEdge Says: Multicultural awareness is a key aspect of fitting in well at a university, and admissions officers are very aware of this. Thus, it is an excellent idea to mention how you expanded your cultural sensitivity. Beginning the essay by admitting that you were once less tolerant is a compelling way to demonstrate just how much you have grown as a person.

On the verge of losing consciousness, I asked myself: "Why am I doing this?" Why was I punishing my body? I had no answer; my mind blanked out from exhaustion and terror. I had no time to second-guess myself with a terrifying man leaning over my shoulder yelling: "You can break six minutes!" As flecks of spit flew from his mouth and landed on the handle bar of the ergometer, I longed to be finished with my first Saturday rowing practice and my first fifteen-hundred-meter "erg test."

EssayEdge Says: The power of this introduction comes from its attention to detail. The question "Why am I doing this?" gains support from every horrible detail: the exhaustion, the terrifying man, and the specks of spit flying from his mouth! With such strong supporting evidence, the quotation takes on a life of its own. Your reader will find himself thinking, "Why would anyone do that? I'd like to find out."

Overarching Societal Statements: Rather than using a traditional thesis statement you can put forth a societal observation that ties into the theme of your essay. This can be very effective if the statement is unique and gives a glimpse into how you view the world. It can be detrimental if your statement is debatable or unclear. Make sure that if you use this form of introduction that no admissions office will take offense to it.


High school is a strange time. After three years of trying to develop an identity and friends in middle school, students are expected to mature immediately on the first day of ninth grade.

EssayEdge Says: Be careful not to make statements in your introduction that seem too exaggerated or unrealistic. After all, no one expects a student to immediately mature on the first day of ninth grade. Moreover, if your reader senses that you attained most of your maturity at the beginning of high school, he or she might be less than impressed with your character development. It would be better to state, "students are expected to enter a new environment in which they must function with far greater maturity."

To this day, the United States remains driven by the American Dream, and we often hear of immigrants who come to this country to search for opportunities that their native countries lack. In these tales, immigrants succeed through hard work, dedication, and a little luck. As idealistic as the story may seem, I have been fortunate enough to experience its reality in the life of one very important man. His example has had great impact on my personal expectations and goals, and the manner in which I approach my own life.

EssayEdge Says: This is an excellent way to introduce a discussion of a person who has influenced you significantly. Instead of launching immediately into a list of this man's excellent qualities and admirable accomplishments, this introduction lays the foundation for a comprehensive look at just why the man had such a profound impact on you. It also places the most importance on the American Dream, as is fitting in an essay like this one.

Art is a reflection of one's self-identity in the most unaffected manner. Because art is very personal, it has no right or wrong. The type of art that has influenced me most is music.

EssayEdge Says: The first two sentences in this introduction set the kind of tone you want to maintain throughout your essay: introspective and creative. However, it moves on to a very boring and stilted structure in the third sentence. To keep the tone creative, you could replace that sentence with the following: "Although artistic expression can take many forms, it is music that has captivated me."

Personal Introduction:The Personal Introduction takes the reader directly into your mind. It says, "This is what it is like to be me. Let me take you to my little world." Since there is a little voyeur in even the most stern admissions officer, this type of introduction can be very effective. It is always in the first person and usually takes an informal, conversational tone:


At times, I think the world around me is crumbling to the ground, but it never does. Like most people, I face the crunches of deadlines and endless demands on my time, but I have never encountered the type of adversity that can crush people, that can drive people crazy, that can drive them to suicide.

EssayEdge Says: This introduction is indeed compelling, but it raises important questions about appropriate content. Be careful to avoid writing a personal essay that is far too personal. You do not want your reader to think that you might have character weaknesses that prevent you from handling stressful situations well.

I chuckle to myself every time I think about this. I am perceived as a mild-mannered, intelligent individual until I mention that I am involved in riflery.

EssayEdge Says: Did the first sentence of this introduction confuse you? This was no doubt its intention. By creating a little mystery in the first sentence, the reader is forced to keep reading and keep wondering, "what is this kid's secret?" until the final word, which pops in the reader's mind, sort of like a gunshot: "riflery."

Question Introduction:Many admissions essays begin with a question. While this is an easy way to begin an essay, admissions officers may perceive it as a "lazy introduction." No one wants to read an essay that begins with such tacky material as: "To be or not to be?" or "Are you looking for an applicant who has drive and determination? Well, I'm your guy." If you are going to use a question, make sure that it is an extremely compelling one and that your experiences provide answers.


Influence? Why is it that the people who influence us most influence us in ways that are not easily quantified? Through her work with abused children, my mother has shown me the heroism of selfless dedication to a worthy cause.

EssayEdge Says: With one word, this introduction takes an essay question about the person who has most influenced you and turns it back around to the admissions board. In effect, you are telling them that you have thought about their question thoroughly. You have thought about it for so long that you have a couple of questions of your own - questions that have sparked an interesting commentary.

Quotation Introduction:Many writers are tempted to start their essay with a quote. You should try to resist this temptation, as most quotes will look forced. Admissions officers will be turned off if it is apparent that you searched through a book of famous quotes and came up with a quote from some famous philosopher about whom you know nothing. The quotation introduction is most effective when the quote you choose is unusual, funny, or obscure, not too long, and from those to whom you are closest. Choose a quote with a meaning you plan to reveal to the reader as the essay progresses. The admissions committee is interested in how you respond to the quote and what that response says about you.


John F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." I see academics as a similar two-way interaction: in the classroom, I will do much more than take up valuable space. Because of the broad range of experiences I have had, my knowledge of many subjects is thorough. These experiences will help me perform well in any class, as I have learned how to use my time efficiently.

EssayEdge Says: This is a risky quote with which to begin an essay. After all, it is difficult to imagine a more time-worn or oft-repeated statement. However, this introduction goes on to apply this quote in a relatively unique manner. The contrast between such a standard quotation and such an interesting application will likely catch your reader's attention.

"Experience is what you receive when you don't get what you want." I remembered my father's words as I tried to postpone the coming massacre. Just as during the fall of the Roman Empire, my allies became enemies and my foes turned into partners. In fast and furious action with property changing hands again and again, I rested my fate on the words of one man, hoping he would rescue me from this dangerous tailspin. Do these experts realize the heartbreak they are inflicting on my young life? While the uncertainty of tomorrow's attire is the most pressing concern for many seventeen-year-olds, I must worry about much greater issues! It is August 31, the market is down over 300 points and the value of my stock portfolio is falling fast.

EssayEdge Says: Quoting a person with whom you enjoy a close relationship is generally preferable to quoting a famous source. This passage's strength comes from the brief, understated role that the quote plays. The short statement introduces the rest of the paragraph and presents the fundamental point, and then the essay moves on to examine specific details. This is the ideal role of a quotation.

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